Isolation during Pandemic

Don’t PANIC this shall end, but in the meantime keep busy. There are things to do from – YUP good old Netflix, Hulu, Prime etc to new things you haven’t done before. Many of my patients have talked about sorting out things at home that they have thought of doing Read more…

pandemic times… oh my

Difficult time for us all as we get up to crazy news every day. I use a phrase which is a modification of those ‘always happy things folks say’, “Cheer up, things could be worse!!! and sure enough, I cheered up and… things got worse”. Well this is one of Read more…


It’s August. I’m sitting in France, DISCONNECTING from my regular world to chill and rejuvenate. A close friend here was talking about his mom, and her added stress. She’s in her 70’s which today is not too old, but she has had a hell of a time with some medical Read more…

Super Ego vs Healthy Ego

Remember, NARCISSISTS are really very insecure, and they have a SUPER EGO, not a healthy EGO… Super as in ‘look at the car I drive, or how much money I have,” versus healthy ego, “when you get to know me you might like me, if not there are others who will”.  They have Read more…